If you have been injured or exposed to asbestos through the neglect of someone else, you can file a law suit against them and potentially claim compensation for your injuries.
Understanding the terminology is the first step to understanding the mesothelioma lawsuit process. The plaintiff is the person who is making the charge against the defendant. There can be multiple defendants, such as the employer, the city, and the asbestos manufacturer.
Once the law suit is filed, both sides can begin the discovery process. The discovery allows both sides to see the facts pertinent to the suit available on each side. This can include social security records, military records, and medical records.
After the discovery and plea periods, the trial is ready to begin. The trial is set in the courtroom with a jury where the facts are presented from both sides. Some trials may begin within a few months of the suit being filed, but some courts are backlogged, which means years can pass before your case is seen by a judge.
Some cases are settled before the trial, which allows victims to be spared of the grueling trial process. Otherwise, a judge will determine a verdict. In either case, payment of compensation is then determined. Payment can be arranged in multiple payments or in a lump sum some months after the verdict.
If you or a family member needs an experienced mesothelioma lawyer to help you through your asbestos law suit, please contact us at Brown | Kiely, LLP. We serve Maryland and Washington, D.C.