Because small amounts of asbestos can cause mesothelioma, it is not uncommon for family members of persons who worked with or around asbestos to contract mesothelioma. Frequently, the spouse and children of workers were exposed to asbestos dust from the worker’s dusty clothes. By merely shaking the worker’s clothes before washing them, the worker’s spouse and children could be exposed to sufficient asbestos to cause mesothelioma.
Even if you did not work directly with asbestos, if you or a family member worked around others who used asbestos-containing products, or worked in a building that contained these products, you may have been exposed to asbestos. We dedicate ourselves to thoroughly investigating our clients’ histories to find every possible exposure to asbestos and to aggressively pursue the companies that are responsible for our clients’ mesothelioma. Residents of the United States who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, should contact Baltimore mesothelioma attorneys , LLP for a free evaluation of their claim.
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