The National Cancer Institute has stated that nearly 50% of people suffering from cancer suffer from some type of sleep disorder. Since mesothelioma is one of the more serious forms of cancer, mesothelioma patients often suffer sleep disorders as a result of:
• Anxiety
• Pain
• Medications
Sleep is your body’s chance to rest and rejuvenate itself. When you are unable to sleep, it makes it even more difficult for your body to combat this mortal illness. It may affect your mood and your willingness to fight. Some mesothelioma patients who are having sleep problems withdraw from treatment in addition to withdrawing socially from their family and friends.
Here are some tips for getting more sleep during mesothelioma treatment:
• Avoid caffeine and other stimulants whenever possible
• Have a high-protein snack a couple hours before bedtime
• Receive a back rub or massage before bedtime
• Work on establishing and maintaining a nightly routine
• If you are in the hospital, bring pajamas and bedclothes from home to help you feel more comfortable
• Coordinate with hospital staff to promote your routine and avoid disturbances
These steps have been shown to help mesothelioma patients get better sleep. If you try them, you will likely find that they help you, too, and help you get the energy you need to continue treatment.
At the Law Office of Brown | Kiely, LLP, we can also help ease your anxiety by working to ensure you and your family will be taken care of during this difficult time. A lawsuit against those responsible for exposing you to deadly asbestos can ensure you get the treatments you need without draining the resources of your family.
To learn more about filing a mesothelioma lawsuit, please contact us today for a free case evaluation.