The average survival rate for a mesothelioma patient is nine to 12 months. This includes invasive and expensive medical procedures such as modified extrapleural pneumonectomy in which the lining and infected lung are removed.
In a new study, radical pleurectomy, a procedure in which the lining is removed but the lung is left in place, combined with an experimental procedure using light and photosensitizers has been effective at extending life expectancy for over 24 months. In fact, the 14 subjects who underwent this treatment for research purposes were still alive at the two year mark, indicating the potential for a much longer lifespan.
Mesothelioma Treatment
Mesothelioma is linked to asbestos exposure. Treatment, even when successful, is incredibly expensive, invasive, and often painful. Recovery from mesothelioma treatment is often incomplete before death, resulting in untold suffering following diagnosis.
If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may have a right to seek compensation for all of your damages. This includes medical expenses and personal pain and suffering. Maryland mesothelioma lawyer Matthew Kiely can assess your case and help you determine all that you are entitled to.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, please contact the Law Offices of Brown | Kiely, LLP to schedule a free initial consultation today. our attorneys represents people in Maryland, Washington D.C., and throughout the United States.