Ten thousand people each year die from asbestos-related diseases in the United States alone. Mesothelioma lawyers must be aware of the law and must stay current on all legal precedents.
Due to the statute of limitations, many well people who have been exposed to asbestos are filing law suits. While it is important for their cases to be heard, this clogs the system and forces persons who are severely ill to wait for their suit to be heard.
There are also groups working with the senate and other countries to create stricter laws banning asbestos. These people speak for the thousands lost and the 1.3 million who are still exposed to this hazardous material in the workplace today.
The Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act (FAIR Act), though it is currently on hold, is likely to show back up for consideration soon. This act would set up a trust fund from which asbestos settlements would be paid. Mesothelioma lawyers and victim’s advocates oppose this bill because it is likely to hurt the victim’s right to have their case tried.
When choosing your mesothelioma lawyer, it is important to make sure that they are aware of all of the current and past legislation regarding asbestos cases. To speak with an experienced lawyer, please contact Brown | Kiely, LLP today to schedule a consultation. We serve Baltimore, Maryland and Washington, D.C.