Recent advances in treating mesothelioma offer new hope to its victims and their families. Dr. David Sugarbaker is Chief of Thoracic Surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. His treatment has improved the survival rates of mesothelioma patients under his care significantly. Mesothelioma attorney Matt Kiely can advise you about care options and whether you might be eligible for a settlement to pay for good care.
Until a cure is found, living longer with this disease makes living well increasingly more important. First, accept the fact of your disease and immediately arrange for your medical and emotional care. Receiving a mesothelioma diagnosis is a tremendous shock.
Involve your family and friends in your life, and maintain as normal a routine as possible for as long as possible. Don’t forget the many benefits that come from regular exercise.
As you become more dependent up on others to help you with your daily tasks, be sure to involve people doing what they do best. For example, if someone loves cooking, ask them to prepare and freeze meals for you. Have others shop, clean, do laundry, assist you with paying bills, take you to the doctor, or whatever you need done.
Try to stay as socially active as possible. Maintain your hobbies and usual activities as much as you can. Your involvement with others will help keep you hopeful and upbeat. Depression and anxiety are always ready to dampen your hopes, but with so much progress being made, you never know when a cure or life-lengthening improvement will be the one that benefits you.
For a no-cost evaluation of your claim to please contact the experienced mesothelioma lawyers at Brown | Kiely, LLP in Baltimore, Maryland and Washington, D.C.