New statistics released by Korea’s Ministry of Environment predict that mesothelioma rates in that country will continue to climb through 2045. Korea has finally regulated occupational exposure to asbestos, but because of the latency period between exposure and diagnosis, it is expected that mesothelioma rates will continue to rise for more than 30 years.
Korea will likely be one of the last developed countries to experience a decline in mesothelioma rates. In Netherlands, the rate is expected to peak by 2017, in the US by 2020, and in Japan by 2030.
Although many people criticize the litigious tendency of Americans, this is one instance where litigation saves lives. By removing the profit incentive for employers to let people work with asbestos without proper safety equipment, asbestos lawsuits have curbed the number of people exposed to asbestos in the 1980s and beyond, saving tens if not hundreds of thousands of lives.
Lawsuits also help mesothelioma victims pay for their medical care and take care of their families despite their tragic illness.
If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, and want to learn more about your legal options, please contactThe Law Office of Brown | Kiely, LLP for a free consultation.