Mesothelioma Lawyers Maryland
What is mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a cancer of the lining of the lung, heart, and abdomen, as mesothelioma lawyers Maryland trusts can explain. This highly aggressive cancer carries with it a poor prognosis and no known cure. For almost a century, this rare cancer has been associated with exposure to asbestos, a durable mineral found in many products throughout the world for its flame-retardant properties. Since the seminal paper published by Wagner et al in 1960, the clear connection between asbestos exposure and this cancer has been exposed and accepted by the scientific and medical community. Our compassionate and experienced Maryland mesothelioma lawyers at Brown | Kiely, LLP understand that this is a significantly difficult time for you and your loved ones, and we have made it our goal to fight for justice in the form of maximum compensation for those affected by mesothelioma diagnoses as a result of negligent labor practices.
Here is a FAQ about the field of Mesothelioma law, what types of claims are available, and what to expect when navigating the legal landscape after you or a loved one is diagnosed with mesothelioma.
What type of claim can I file if I or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma?
There are two types of claims one can file in the landscape of mesothelioma law;
1) Personal injury claims – these claims can be filed immediately after a diagnosis of mesothelioma has been made. Clients who are found to be victims of negligence receive financial compensation accounting for lost wages/income, medical expenses, and personal pain and suffering.
2) Wrongful death claims – these claims can be filed only after the patient diagnosed with mesothelioma has died. In these cases, the family of the deceased files the claim, and may be entitled to receive financial compensation based on lost potential wages/income, medical expenses, and funeral expenses.
In either case, hiring experienced mesothelioma lawyers in Maryland can help you and your family receive the maximum compensation you deserve. Here at Brown | Kiely, LLP, our experienced team of Maryland mesothelioma lawyers have been fighting and winning maximum compensation for victims of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases. Call Brown | Kiely, LLP to see if we can do the same for you.
How soon after discovering the diagnosis of mesothelioma should I file a claim?
As with most claims and lawsuits, mesothelioma claims have a time frame, commonly referred to as a statute of limitations. Because mesothelioma is a disease that takes many years to develop, it can be difficult to pin down the exact time and place of exposure. In the case of personal injury claims, the window in which a claim can be filed begins immediately following diagnosis. In the case of wrongful death claims, the window begins immediately following the death of the patient. In general, wrongful death claims have a stricter statute of limitations than personal injury claims, and have a window of 2-3 years following the death. However, some states have a statute of limitations allowing for claims within one year of death, so it is paramount to make contact with an experienced lawyer immediately. Here at Brown | Kiely, LLP our experienced mesothelioma lawyers in Maryland have dealt with mesothelioma cases for many years and have ample amounts of experience in achieving maximum compensation for our clients.
I’d like to file a personal injury or wrongful death claim in relation to a mesothelioma diagnosis. Who can I call?
At Brown | Kiely, LLP our attorneys are compassionate, communicative, hard-working, and heavily experienced in mesothelioma settlement law. For years we have provided justice for families who have fallen victim to negligent labor practices, and we may be able to do the same for you. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call the team of mesothelioma lawyers Maryland trusts from Brown | Kiely, LLP to set up a consultation today.