Mia Lauter, the widow of actor Ed Lauter – who died last October from mesothelioma – has filed a lawsuit against CBS Corporation, General Electric, and Ford Motor Company for allegedly exposing Ed Lauter to asbestos during the two decades he worked in television. The suit claims this exposure later caused his cancer and resulting death.
General Electric’s inclusion in the lawsuit is believed to be because GE formerly owned NBC. Ford Motor Company was reportedly named because Lauter was exposed to asbestos through some of their brakes, compressors, clutch facings, and other asbestos-containing auto parts.
Although other companies have been named in the lawsuit as well, their names have not been released.
Ed Lauter was diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma in May 2013, and passed away on October 13 of the same year, at the age of 74. During his career, he starred in dozens of television shows, including “The X-Files,” “ER,” “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” “Charlie’s Angels,” and “The Office.” He also held numerous film roles in movies like “Seabiscuit,” “Leaving Las Vegas,” and “The Artist.”
Although asbestos lawsuits against TV networks are not common, this is certainly not the first time that a major television broadcasting company has been a defendant in a mesothelioma case. Due to a previous merger, CBS is also responsible for asbestos suits filed against Westinghouse Electric Company, which once made asbestos-containing light bulbs, turbines, and welding rods.
If your loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, please contact The Law Office of Brown | Kiely, LLP today or call (410) 625-9330 to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our experienced Baltimore mesothelioma attorneys. We represent victims of asbestos exposure in Maryland, Washington D.C., and surrounding areas.