Mesothelioma Lawyer

Diagnosing Mesothelioma

Diagnosing Mesothelioma

A mesothelioma diagnosis can be devastating. When treatment is an option, it will be expensive and invasive. Unfortunately, in many instances, treatment is not successful in saving lives. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma following asbestos exposure, you may be entitled to seek compensation. Maryland mesothelioma attorney Matthew Kiely can assess your case and fight to get you every penny you are due.


Diagnosing Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma diagnosis generally begins when a person complains of symptoms related to this disease. If you are experiencing symptoms of mesothelioma, your doctor may use various diagnostic tools such as:

  • X-ray
  • CT, MRI, or PT Scans
  • Biopsy

Your doctor may need to utilize more than one diagnostic tool to detect mesothelioma. Once detected, he can begin to work on a treatment plan to remove the cancer. It is important to remember that treatment of mesothelioma is not always successful. If your mesothelioma has developed to fatal levels, your family may be able to seek damages including end of life expenses, projected future financial contributions, loss of a loved one, and more. Mr. Kiely can help you determine all that you and your family may be entitled to.


If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, please contact the Law Offices of Brown | Kiely, LLP to schedule a free initial consultation today. our attorneys represents people in Maryland, Washington D.C., and throughout the United States.