Mesothelioma Lawyer


Survivors and Fighters

Mesothelioma is often referred to as an incurable cancer. This is true because a cure has not been found. But, what is misleading are statistics supporting a life expectancy of six to twelve months after diagnosis. The reason this is misleading...

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Asbestos Usage in the United States

Most of the focus on asbestos exposure and usage is on workers exposed through mining, manufacturing, and other occupations. Yet, many people are continuously exposed to asbestos through normal daily activities. Asbestos is found in many water...

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Adjuvant Therapy

Adjuvant therapy is therapy for mesothelioma is applied in addition to the primary therapy, surgery. Its purpose is to eliminate any remaining microscopic disease. It is part of a curative approach to treatment, as compared to palliative (which...

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What is Mesothelioma Caused By?

The short answer is that mesothelioma is caused by asbestos fibers that were inhaled or ingested. Mesothelioma gets its name from the mesothelium, the membrane where this cancer begins. Mesothelium is the type of membrane that lines the abdomen...

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