Some of the United States’ oldest brewing companies were constructed at a time when asbestos was a popular fire- and heat-resistant material and was the material of choice for just about all applications that required heat resistance, insulation, or fire-proof capability.
As a result, the materials and products used in the construction of the physical plants as well as the manufacturing equipment running inside of them contained asbestos. This put brewery workers, including plant and equipment maintenance workers, at risk of asbestos exposure, which can lead to a deadly form of cancer known as mesothelioma.
There are three brewing companies in Maryland that were built using asbestos. If you worked in any of these three brewing companies, then there is a good chance you were exposed to asbestos and could be suffering from mesothelioma, even if not symptoms are currently present. Please see a doctor if you worked at:
• Cumberland Brewing Company
• Gunther Brewing Company
• Theodore Hamm Brewing Company
If you worked in a brewing company in Maryland and have since been diagnosed with mesothelioma, please contact the Baltimore mesothelioma attorneys at Brown | Kiely, LLP to schedule a confidential consultation.