According to a World Health Organization (WHO) study, Cypress, Israel, and Japan have the highest age-adjusted mortality rates for asbestos related deaths. Overall, Asian countries accounted for 64 percent of the global consumption of asbestos from 2001-2007, largely due to unregulated asbestos usage throughout the area. Asia as a whole accounts for 13 percent of the cumulated global mortality rate for asbestos-related diseases.
Dr. Ken Takahashi, Acting Director of the WHO Collaborating Center for Occupational Health, has warned that Asia faces an “asbestos tsunami” within the next ten to 40 years. Because the consequences of asbestos exposure can take decades to become apparent, it will be several years before we know exactly how deadly Asia’s increase in asbestos consumption will be.
Asbestos in the United States
Asbestos has not been used in the United States since the 1980s. However, many people in various industries are still exposed to asbestos on a daily basis. Exposure to asbestos is linked to lung cancer, asbestosis, and mesothelioma. If you have been exposed to asbestos, Washington D.C. lawyer Matthew Kiely can assess the damages done and help you seek maximum compensation.
If you or a loved one has been exposed to asbestos, please contact the Law Offices of Brown | Kiely, LLP to schedule a free initial consultation today. our attorneys represents people in Maryland, Washington D.C., and throughout the United States.