Asbestos is a naturally occurring silicate material held together by strands of fibers. When these fibers are disturbed, they become airborne. Asbestos exposure occurs once the fibers are airborne and inhaled.
You need trained professionals to identify and remove asbestos safely. If a licensed professional identified asbestos, an asbestos abatement plan needs to be developed. Asbestos abatement is the process of removing or minimizing the health risks of asbestos.
Removal of asbestos used to be the standard recommendation. Recently, the EPA has advised that asbestos can remain in place provided that it is sufficiently contained, in good condition, and there is no compelling reason to move it.
If asbestos levels are dangerous, it can be enclosed or encapsulated. Enclosure includes enclosing the asbestos in new construction. Encapsulation involves covering the surface of an asbestos containing product with a different material, such as laminate or paint. Keep in mind that it may need to be removed in the future, even if it is encapsulated or enclosed.
Asbestos is a hazardous material that can cause mesothelioma, so it is important to stay safe around it. If you or a family member has been exposed to asbestos, please contact the Baltimore mesothelioma lawyers at Brown | Kiely, LLPtoday. We serve the Maryland and Washington, D.C. area.