Asbestos Lawyers Maryland
If you have recently been diagnosed with this serious illness, consider seeking the services of mesothelioma and asbestos lawyers Maryland residents trust at Brown Kiely for legal advice and assistance. Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that may take an immense toll on you and your family. Our legal team has fought for the repayment of health injuries since starting our law firm many years ago. We understand the physical pain you may be in, and may do what we can in order to bring you justice.
In addition to enduring an illness, you may be suffering financial and emotional tolls. You may be entitled to receive compensation from your employer due to exposure to harmful substances in the workplace. You may be eligible for a financial award, in addition to reprisal for your pain and suffering. By consulting with Maryland asbestos lawyers at Brown Kiely, you can rest assured knowing we can work around the clock to bring you the repayment you desire.
If you have not been officially diagnosed by a health provider, but want to know about common signs of mesothelioma and asbestos exposure, below we have listed symptoms to watch out for. Your doctor can perform diagnostic testing to evaluate you for mesothelioma condition. There are many treatments available, and your physician can go over these options with you in the event you will be managing symptoms of mesothelioma.
Signs of Mesothelioma
- Persistent dry coughing
- Hoarseness
- Swallowing difficulties
- Painful inhaling/exhaling
- Fever
- Weight loss
- Fatigue
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Obstruction of bowels
- Anemia
- Abdominal swelling and/or pain
- Change in bowel frequency or condition
- Shortness of breath
- Irregular heartbeat, palpitations and/or murmurs
- Pain in chest
- Night sweats
If any of these symptoms apply to you, it is crucial you seek medication attention immediately and speak to asbestos lawyers in Maryland at Brown Kiely right away. Many employers may have been aware of your asbestos exposure, but kept it hidden in order to save their company money in the long run.
A connection between asbestos exposure and diagnosis of mesothelioma has been proven over recent years. Manufacturers who created products containing asbestos may have been aware of the risks for decades. However, the motivation of profits over the wellness of their workers kept many businessman quiet regarding the silent dangers of working around asbestos.
The public did not know about these dangers until many of these workers had already retired; which meant years and years of exposure to this toxic substance. Unfortunately, by the time awareness had increased, the damage may already have been done.
If you have worked in the construction, shipbuilding, mining and/or auto vehicle manufacturing then you may have reason for a lawsuit against your previous employer. By choosing Maryland asbestos lawyers at Brown Kiely, we can fight tirelessly and use aggressive legal methods to increase your chances of receiving fair compensation.
Call us today to receive a free initial consultation with asbestos lawyers Maryland relies on at Brown Kiely.