A mesothelioma lawsuit is the best defense against an employer or manufacturer who knowingly exposed workers to asbestos. Unfortunately, asbestos can still be found in commercial materials today. The Baltimore mesothelioma lawyers at Brown | Kiely, LLP have been representing mesothelioma victims in and around the Baltimore area for decades, and we can help you, too. If you have been exposed to asbestos or have already been diagnosed with mesothelioma due to asbestos in your workplace, you may have a valid legal claim against your employer.
In order to file an asbestos claim in the state of Maryland or Washington, D.C., you must provide documentation and information about your diagnosis and how it relates to your employer. A diagnosis of mesothelioma alone does not implicate an employer. We will work diligently to prove that your employer knew of the potential danger of asbestos in the workplace yet failed to provide adequate safety precautions or knowingly allowed you to be exposed to the dangerous substance.
The question, “Was there a risk of exposure at your job?” must be answered to file a mesothelioma lawsuit. For your employer or the manufacturer to be found at fault, there must be a clear link between your diagnosis and the product or service or you performed.
If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with mesothelioma and you feel your employer was responsible for your illness, please contact the Baltimore mesothelioma attorneys at Brown | Kiely, LLP today to schedule a no-cost, confidential consultation.