Mesothelioma is a serious cancer, and by the time it is diagnosed, it is no longer responsive to most traditional cancer treatments. However, there is hope that gene therapy may someday be able to help mesothelioma victims.
Gene therapy typically involves using a virus to insert genetic code into cancer cells that allows them to be treated. Gene therapy is currently in very early investigational stages, but a few clinical trials are moving forward. Currently, there are three main types of genetic code being researched for gene therapy:
• Suicide genes make cancer cells more susceptible to traditional treatments, allowing for more aggressive treatment of cancer with lower impact on the body as a whole.
• Knockout genes simply remove the genes that cause cells to turn cancerous, preventing the growth and spread of cancer.
• Replacement genes replace the genetic code of cancerous cells with normal genetic configurations. In most cases, the goal is to slow or stop the accelerated growth and spread of cancer cells with a more normal growth rate.
• Anti-angiogenetic genes stop the genes that create blood vessels to feed tumors. With this therapy, the goal is to starve the tumors.
Gene therapy is being considered for many different types of tumors, including mesothelioma, and all of these types of gene therapy have some level of promise. However, it will likely be many years before they are available to treat large numbers of mesothelioma victims.
The expense of mesothelioma treatment is one of the reasons to file a mesothelioma lawsuit. If you have been diagnosed with the condition, a lawsuit can save you and your family from the unfortunate financial consequences of this illness.
To learn whether you may be able to receive compensation with a mesothelioma lawsuit, please contact the mesothelioma lawyers at The Law Office of Brown | Kiely, LLP today for a free consultation.