Asbestos Lawyers Maryland
Asbestos Lawyers Maryland Victims Turn to Share Their Insight
Mesothelioma cancer is a disease which results from a patient’s frequent exposure to asbestos. Asbestos was often used in materials and products manufactured prior to 1980. Since then, public awareness of the dangers associated with asbestos has increased. As a result, many victims of asbestos exposure have won substantial settlements from manufacturers and employers. Brown Kiely is an asbestos law firm in Maryland with a legal team that can seek compensation on your behalf.
What Are the Four Stages of Mesothelioma?
Prognosis factors that are considered at the time of a patient’s diagnosis can include age, smoker or non-smoker, health status, length of time between asbestos exposure and symptoms and kind of mesothelioma. For those who seek a doctor sooner, it can increase their chances of an early diagnosis. An early diagnose can improve the prognosis, life-expectancy and survival rate. It may never be too early to see your doctor if you have ever come into contact with asbestos. If your prognosis is positive, you may be well served by contacting an asbestos law firm in Maryland
The four stages of mesothelioma include:
Stage 1: earliest stage, cancer is localized. A mesothelioma tumor is located in the diaphragm, pleura, abdomen, lining of the lungs or pericardium.
Stage 2: an advanced stage, the mesothelioma tumor has begun to spread and can involve the chest lymph nodes. At this time, surgery is an option for treatment.
Stage 3: the mesothelioma tumor has spread into the heart, ribs or chest area and through into the abdominal lining or diaphragm. Lymph nodes in the chest may be affected. Non-curative options for treatment are available, and are aimed to ease the patient’s level of symptom uncomfortability and pain.
Stage 4: final stage of mesothelioma, tumor has extended to farther areas in the body via the bloodstream. Non-curative options for treatment are used to lessen the discomfort associated with symptoms.
How Do Patients Get Mesothelioma?
People who have come into direct, airborne, or second-hand contact with asbestos material for a long duration and frequency of time, are at a risk for developing mesothelioma. Those who have worked in factories, industry, shipyards, or construction should consult with a doctor for testing. As an asbestos law firm in Maryland might tell you, mesothelioma can develop in a person who was exposed to asbestos between fifteen to more than fifty years ago.
Where are Asbestos Material Found?
Asbestos may be found in home insulation, tile, roofing, sheet material, piping, boilers, ceiling, and more. Homes built prior to 1980 can contain asbestos. Also, some potting soil, car clutches and brake pads may be manufactured with asbestos material. There are professionals that can be hired to do a home examination for threats and levels of asbestos.
How is Mesothelioma Diagnosed in Patients?
Mesothelioma cancer is resilient and quick-spreading. When a patient is initially seen for symptoms including shortness of breath or a dry persistent cough, a doctor may run diagnostics that include CT scan, MRI, x-rays, pleuroscopy and/or biopsy. Depending on the patient, the doctor may also perform a thoracentesis, in which a needle drains lung fluid from the chest. There is not currently a cure for mesothelioma. Most often, treatment goals are intended to decrease the intensity of symptoms the patient can experience.
Contact Asbestos Lawyers Maryland Residents Trust
If you have reason to believe you’re suffering from mesothelioma, contact an asbestos law firm in Maryland such as Brown Kiely. We may be able to secure a settlement from those responsible for your illness. If you lost a loved one to mesothelioma, contact our office. We offer a free consultation for anyone who may be suffering from this disease, or who lost a loved one as a result of asbestos exposure.