If you aren’t burdened enough with your mesothelioma treatment, caring for someone who has mesothelioma, or coping after a death due to this disease, you will at some point need to consider choosing a mesothelioma attorney. While this is not too difficult, it does take time, and you need to act quickly to file a claim before the statutes of limitations runs out. The experienced mesothelioma lawyers at Brown | Kiely, LLP, LLC understand what you need to know to make this decision and are prepared to help you through this difficult decision.
Yet, you don’t want to act so quickly that you are not satisfied with the lawyer you choose. Be prepared to gather the same information from every attorney or firm whom you consult so that you can compare their answers one-to-one. Because you have a limited amount of time to file a claim, you should begin this process right away so that you can make your decision with the least amount of pressure to choose.
You’ll want to know about your attorney’s history of representing clients with your type of case. Answers to questions about the number of cases and settlements they’ve won is important to know. You’ll want to see his contract, learn about fees or contingency agreements, statutes of limitations, who, specifically will handle your case and how available that attorney will be, that he isn’t overloaded with cases and having someone else represent you, the jurisdiction, and whether your case will be represented individually or as part of a class action.
Prepare your questions carefully ahead of time to be sure you don’t forget to ask something important.
For more information or to arrange a free initial consultation, please contact Brown | Kiely, LLP, serving Baltimore, Maryland and Washington, D.C.