There are many methods for screening and diagnosis of mesothelioma, but many of them are highly invasive, potentially harmful, and expensive. Now, a simple breath treatment may promise to act as a non-invasive but highly effective first-screening tool for mesothelioma.
For years, researchers have discussed the potential for using a breath test to identify mesothelioma victims. Now, however, one research team has shown the test may be a viable option. The researchers from the Netherlands conducted an experiment to test the effectiveness of an “electronic nose” to distinguish mesothelioma victims from people with asbestos exposure but no mesothelioma, and healthy persons with neither mesothelioma nor asbestos exposure. The study analyzed results from 13 individuals in all three groups and found that the breathalyzer had 92.3% sensitivity and 85.7% specificity. With sensitivity comparable to the 95% of pleural biopsy, the technique yields great promise.
Diagnosis of pleural mesothelioma is symptomatic of exposure to asbestos, typically during work. If you have been diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma, you may be able to receive compensation for treatment and other expenses related to your illness. To learn more, please contact The Law Office of Brown | Kiely, LLP for a free consultation today.