If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it is important that you talk to your family about what lies ahead. This is not an easy conversation, but the support of those you love is essential in helping ease the pain this disease can cause.
When you sit down to talk about mesothelioma with your family, take time to acknowledge everyone’s feelings. Anger is common, but so is fear, and it’s important to allow everyone a chance to express their emotions. You may want to contact a local mesothelioma group for further support. Reaching out to others is a good way to deal with everything you are feeling.
Take Action
In addition to discussing emotions, you should discuss an action plan. Mesothelioma is directly linked to asbestos exposure. You and your family may have a right to seek compensation for all of your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. When mesothelioma results in death, your family may have a right to seek compensation for end of life expenses, future financial contributions, and more. These are practical considerations and may not be easy to discuss openly. Compassionate Baltimore mesothelioma lawyer Matthew Kiely will be happy to sit down with your family and help you determine what needs to be taken into account and all that you may be entitled to.
If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, please contact the Law Offices of Brown | Kiely, LLP to schedule a free initial consultation today. our attorneys represents people in Maryland, Washington D.C., and throughout the United States.